Vakuum servis s.r.o.

Hasičská 2643, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
IČ: 26793075, DIČ: CZ26793075 (Service Department)

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Phone contacts:

Company management: +420 571 115 650
Service Department: +420 571 115 655 
Logistics: +420 733 746 389
Invoicing: +420 571 115 659
Sales Department: +420 571 115 656 (651), +420 571 843 971,
+420 733 746 389
Technical support: +420 571 115 657, +420 735 759 292
Development and installations: +420 571 115 666


For asian market contact our distributor WESI Technology    

Tel:  +86-21-5058-0051 Email:


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