Helium Leak Detection Systems
Manufacturer: | Vakuum servis |
Helium Leak Detection Systems by Vakuum Servis
- State-of-the-art HLDS for automotive and HVAC customers.
- 30 years of experience with HLDS
- High sensitivity in detecting of smallest leaks
- Equipped with Pfeiffer Vacuum Leak detectors ASM 340, ASI35, ASM 306 etc.
- Fully or semi automated solution, production line integration, high cycle time
- Integral vacuum test, Bombing test, Sniffing test
Typical apllications: air conditioning and fuel system components, valves, airbag detonators testing etc.
- Selected customers: Hanon, Kayaku Safety system, Bosch, Honeywell, Danfoss, TI Automotive, Carrier, Kendrion, Stant
We are providing service of Helium Leak Detection Systems from Pfeiffer Vacuum and GHS Vakuumtechnik GmbH